Четверг, 02.01.2025
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obs * instrument (л65)|044 cdr



limited to 65 num copies, monochrome cards




sold out


"VETRALE investigates the connection between space and matter through generated sound as an item for their integration/interaction. Technology and electronic is used to focus on frequency fields and sound details otherwise inaudible. The sound becomes tactil, the matter audible. Ideal follow up as a personal research on material sounds begins with Omaggio a Lucio Fontana (2010) and continues with Vetrale (2011) as a performing act that expresses an idea of Sonorous Spatialism."
Andrea Borghi: modified turntable, elaborated glass discs, computer, effects.



fragment 03vetravox.mp3

Andrea Borghi use of modified turntable, elaborated glass discs, computer and effects is much more alike the underground section of the serious academic composers, the scene which is sometimes called 'microsound', 'click 'n cuts' or 'noise', or perhaps even something else. But to take a single object, like 'elaborated glass discs', and record whatever sound comes off it, and then use it further in all sorts of configurations is of course the same as many of his serious peers do. He too has six pieces here, all of them untitled, and displaying a fine sense for the more minimal approach. Once in motion, his pieces only evolve slowly. The sound is looped around, no doubt due to the use of the turntable and the splintered sounds of shattered glass flies about. Borghi adds a minimal amount of electronics to it, which sometimes provide the change of the detail. Borghi's work is a fine display of music where boundaries don't count anymore. It can be a bit of ambient, noise, musique concrete, microsound, and it all blends together as easily as it's natural. A fine work, if not always the most unheard off: there is of course a whole scene of people doing this, but then you knew this from these pages already.


Instrumentation for this solo disc is listed as, "modified turntable, elaborated glass discs, computer, effects" and the several handsome photos included on oversize cards depict a stylus and dirt-bestrewn platter. These lead one to anticipate a rougher go of things than is actually the case; perhaps the computer and "effects" leavened matters out a bit. Whatever the case, the sounds are very attractive, dense and multicolored. he six tracks all possess an elusive rotating quality as befits their origin, a cycling kind of hum beneath a fine sizzle. As a rough analogy, think of the better music produced by Gunter Muller and crew in the early oughts and throw in a few handfuls of gravel. Absorbing throughout, a handsome package and a very good recoding.

Just outside



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